HomeTechnology10.0.0.1 Piso Wifi: Read to Know It's Worthy Features Piso Wifi: Read to Know It’s Worthy Features

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spot_img might look like an IP address to some but the people of the Philippines definitely know about the the full form of these digits is Piso Wifi, it is a service available in the Philippines that make usage of the internet convenient and low costing. 

What is Piso Wifi? 

What is Piso Wifi? Piso wifi is a type of vending machine that is used to avail temporary internet services on the go. The charges of internet usage and data plan are fairly high in the Philippines and it becomes very costly to get a monthly internet package or plan. 

To avoid the high charging internet plans, AdoPiSoft has designed and launched this amazing service of Piso Wifi, where you can buy a little amount of data instantly through a vending machine.

These machines are available at places and are readily available to serve the consumers with fast internet and data usage instantly. 

These coin-operated machines use the Wifi hotspot to serve their users with an uninterrupted internet connection. Piso wifi is very easy to use and handle, even for non-technical persons. Piso wifi was launched in 2017 and has since gotten very popular and proved to be very useful for a large number of consumers. 

The name of the Piso wifi is derived from the name of the currency of the Philippines ‘Peso’. It simply represents that the wifi is controlled and used with the spending of Peso.

Origin of Piso Wifi Piso Wifi originally started as Pisonet which was an old arcade-style internet café. The Pisonet was used as separate cabins and was charged in Peso hence the name Pisonet was used. These rental internet usage cabins were launched in 2011 which were later replaced by Piso Wifi vending machines. 

Benefits of Piso Wifi 

Benefits of Piso Wifi 

  • Piso wifi is one of the most convenient internet services especially for people who cannot afford high charging internet services. 
  • Many telecom companies are taking benefit from this cheap internet service. 
  • Piso wifi uses the IP address which is essential, effective and can be used multiple times. 
  • The Piso wifi vending machines are managed from anywhere with the help of a rate management system from the administration. 
  • The vending machines help you deal with different bandwidths, users, and prominently the rate time usage of the internet. 
  • Its design is unique and well prosecuted which can be used by anyone anytime without going through a big procedure. 
  • Most importantly it is almost free and it isn’t necessary to buy internet packages or any internet-related devices like routers. 

Features of Piso Wifi Vending Machine 

There are many features of Piso wifi that makes it very popular among users. Some of these features are stated below: 

  • Over 200 devices can connect at the same time 
  • CPE Antenna 200-300 is used  
  • The signal range is very high 
  • Only 12 Volts of electricity is used 
  • Sales inventory setting is available on the admin system 
  • Time adjustments are monitored 
  • Can block malicious websites like porn 
  • The machine is completely plugged and play and does not require any installation 
  • Can insert 1, 5 and 10 peso coins 
  • The same bandwidth is distributed among every user Piso Wifi Vendo Pause Piso Wifi portal pause is the standard gateway for routers. The users are usually overwhelmed when the numbers are involved but don’t worry if you have connectivity issues. You can’t go far without understanding how to use the Piso Wifi standard gateway.  

Here are some facts you need to know before you jump to any conclusion about the usage of the Piso Wifi Vendo pause. If you enter this portal with code and IP address, you will be able to control your internet connection yourself.  

You have the option to approve connections and the required bandwidth and range of investment. Piso WiFi pause breaks the time range and buys you some more time to enjoy your connectivity.

By using the IP address, you can easily suspend or replay your internet connection. This option to pause WiFi time can become a cause of benefit if you don’t want to waste your money. 

Login Procedure 

Login Procedure

It is fairly easy to log in and use Piso Wifi. Simply follow the steps below to use the services of Piso Wifi. 

  • Go to the nearest Piso wifi vending machine and search for the WiFi SSID 
  • Connect to AdoPisoWifi and enter SSID key as “adopisowifi” 
  • Once connected you will be redirected to a login step 
  • Insert Coin in the machine when prompted 
  • The machine will recognize the coin and will authenticate the device for usage 
  • The default IP for Piso Wifi is which is instantly connected with your device 

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